Thursday, April 21, 2011

Corporate Responsibility

At Kraft Foods, strong Corporate Governance is Essential. For publicly-held companies like Kraft Foods, good governance attributes include:
  • Disclosure of the board's processes
  • Independence of a majority of the directors
  • Respect for shareholder rights
  • Compliance with legislation and regulations
Kraft Foods' Board of Directors believes that effective corporate governance principles and practices, together with the company’s Articles of Incorporation, By-laws, Code of Business Conduct and Ethics for Directors and Corporate Governance Guidelines, provide a strong framework to assist them in upholding their fiduciary responsibilities to shareholders and promoting the long-term success of the company.
Kraft has an audit committee to handle all financial aspects and report current information to stakeholders.  A public affairs committee is responsible for discharging the board’s responsibilities relating to public policy issues. The committee oversees Kraft Foods' attention to public policy and social trends affecting Kraft Foods; social accountability; business practices of special interest to policy-makers and the public at large; Kraft Foods’ global communication, media relations and community relations; Kraft Foods' Political Action Committee; the impact of business operations and business practices on communities where Kraft Foods does business; Kraft Foods' corporate citizenship programs and activities, including charitable contributions; and shareholder proposals related to public issues. The finance committee is responsible for considering and making recommendations to the Board on the management of Kraft Foods' financial resources and on major financial strategies and transactions.
The Nominating & Governance Committee is responsible for identifying and nominating individuals as board members, recommending a slate of nominees for election at each annual meeting of shareholders, making recommendations to the board concerning the appropriate size, function, needs and composition of the board and its committees, developing and recommending to the board the corporate governance guidelines and overseeing the evaluation of the board and its committees. The Human Resources and Compensation Committee oversees the company’s executive compensation, including determining the compensation of the Chief Executive Officer, producing an annual Human Resources and Compensation Committee report on executive compensation to be included in the company’s proxy statement in accordance with applicable Securities and Exchange Commission rules and regulations, and reviewing the succession plans for the Chief Executive Officer and other senior executives.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Kraft Crisis Communication

In 2007, Kraft faced a lawsuit from Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) for deceptively marketing their Capri Sun Product as being “All Natural” when in reality it contained ingredients like high-fructose corn syrup. They argued that that the company’s deceptive marketing tricks consumers into thinking the product is healthier than it actually is and it might cause some people to confuse the drink with real fruit juice. They said that although high-fructose corn syrup is no more harmful than other sugars, it is a plainly man-made ingredient.
As part of their crisis communication plan, Kraft was prompt in coming out with a news release on the same day issuing the following statement:
Kraft Foods has been working for about a year to reformulate its regular Capri Sun beverages and redesign the product’s packaging. The new packaging, which is scheduled to go into production in about two weeks, will say that Capri Sun contains ‘No artificial colors, flavors or preservatives.’ This new product description resonated well with consumers. With this action, the phrase ‘All Natural’ is being removed from the package.”
- Marc Firestone, Executive Vice President, Corporate and Legal Affairs for Kraft Foods Inc.
A few weeks later, Kraft issued another release letting the public know that the crisis had been resolved and CSPI had planned to voluntarily dismiss the lawsuit.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Global Communications

Kraft has global markets in North America, Latin America, Europe and Asia. As a global business, a key importance that they emphasize is exposing employees to the diverse perspectives of the consumers and employees from all the countries that they work with. Different perspectives help them see first-hand how they can better meet consumer needs.
They require diversity and inclusion training for every employee at key career stages to sustain a culture that welcomes and values individual differences. They have 10 diversity-focused employee councils that align their objectives with the company’s business strategies to enhance their impact. Kraft also develops strategic relationships with external organizations to connect with a broad range of consumers and attract diverse talent to bring a wider spectrum of perspectives to the business. They link the diversity goals of each business unit and function to executive compensation to strengthen accountability.
Kraft Foods also works to promote global social responsibility. In partnership with hundreds of nonprofit partners, employee volunteers in 56 countries dedicated time to serve their communities and raise awareness for important social issues.  Events included planting community gardens, building playgrounds, serving nutritious meals to the hungry, helping children in need and assisting at food banks.
I was unable to find specific information about how Kraft does business in the other countries that they operate. I thought that they should perhaps have different websites for each country in their native language. It was difficult to find information about what products are and are not sold in other countries and if in Latin America, for example, they cater to cultural needs as far as making products that people in that country might enjoy. Do they sell Kraft Mac and Cheese in other countries besides the U.S? Also, it would be interesting to know if they change the way they make their products and the ingrediants they put in them based on the country and that food products will be sold in. Also, how does their advertising change to reach different audiences in different countries?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Investor Relations

            Kraft is the second largest food company in the world with annual revenues of more than $49 billion.   They have Global markets in Latin America, Europe, and Asia so they must comply with the rules and regulations of these countries as well. On their website, Kraft has an Online Investor Center section that lets investors know everything there is to know about investing in the company.  I found this section to be very well organized and easy to navigate.  It includes: FAQ’s on topics, such as stock, reporting and dividends, Information on which Analysts cover Kraft Foods, and access to details on how to contact Kraft Foods' transfer agent, Wells Fargo Shareowner Services, and information on Kraft’s Dividend Reinvestment Plan or Direct Stock Purchase program.  There is a section for SEC filings and Annual reports that shows Kraft Food financial documents, including filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, copies of their annual reports and proxy statements and news releases. There are also updates on all current and past stock information and performance.  The Financial Highlights section provides a summary of Kraft’s most recent financial results including a summary of Selected Financial Data for the last five years.  Their Company fact sheet gives a quick look at the company and provides highlights of their financial performance. There is also a section for Corporate Governance that includes information about the Audit committee, Public Affairs committee, ways to contact the Board of Directors, investor and shareholder contacts and ways to report financial wrongdoing.

            Kraft also provides an Online Investor Kit that provides shareholders with interactive versions of Kraft’s most requested documents including their company fact sheet, annual report and form, and earnings releases. These interactive documents are designed for comfortable reading and easy navigation. It includes 2011 proxy statement announcing the Annual shareholder meeting and describes the proposals to be voted on in the meeting.  The Kraft Shareholder letter details strategies for future growth and current financial state of the company. The 2010 financial fact sheet highlights business performance and the Kraft Foods reasonability report describes community relations in the U.S. as well as internationally to the shareholders.  There is also a section with earning releases. Kraft Foods believes that good governance attributes include: Disclosure of the board's processes, independence of a majority of the directors, respect for shareholder rights and compliance with legislation and regulations. They definitely display these attributes to the public.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Community Relations

As one of the world’s largest food companies, Kraft is committed to helping fight hunger and promoting healthy lifestyles. The Kraft Foods Foundation, recently pledged $180 million over three years to get more food as well as better nutrition and information to children and families. One of Kraft’s community relations programs are their mobile pantries that help feed hungry families in underserved areas. A fleet of 25 refrigerated trucks, bring dairy products, fresh produce and other meal staples, including Kraft macaroni and cheese and Oscar Mayer meats, to neighbors in need all over the United States.

Kraft also extends there help to countries all over the world. In Brazil, Kraft has a program called “Health in Action” which works to plant gardens in schools all around the country. The gardens not only provide school children with an education in agriculture, but they also provide them with their main source of daily nutrition. Other programs Kraft Foods are involved in work to flight childhood obesity.  They work with organizations such as the World Health Organization, the International Food and Beverage Alliance, and the Smart Choices labeling program to help educate children and families on healthy food choices and the importance of an active lifestyle.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Media Relations

Kraft does a very good job with their media relations. On their website, they have all of their product and local news releases organized by country and date so that the most current news is easy to find. Any time that a Kraft product is mentioned in a news release, it is up on the site. They also have corporate and financial news releases available on the website.  Stock information, an annual report, a company fact sheet as well as information for investors are all easy to find.
Kraft lists their corporate awards as a company and also awards that they have received for certain brands. There is an image gallery with videos, pictures and logos as well as an archive of important management speeches that have been made over the years. Their list of media contacts for journalists is available and there is a Media Helpline for those both inside and out of North American time zones. They also have a “responsibility report” showing what charitable works they are doing and how they are making a difference in things like environmental sustainability and fighting hunger and promoting affordable nutrition.
I thought it was a good idea for Kraft to also include a “What’s New at Kraft Foods” section with the latest news about Kraft foods products, people, and events. This gives the media something to report on and it is kept up to date.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Social Media

Kraft is very active in the area of social media. It took me a while to research what they have out there, but once I found it, I was pleasantly surprised.  Kraft has a corporate Facebook page which has become more active over the years (growing from a little over 1,500 fans in 2009 to over 12,600 today). Their Facebook page lists current charitable causes that Kraft is involved with the World Food Progamme as well as announcements of their presence on certain News channels, updates on products, and investor relations. The Kraft Foods Twitter account has close to 14,000 followers and provides recipes, tips, and idea for cooking every day. Kraft also has a YouTube Channel called KraftCookingSchool with over 9,000 subscribers. The channel varies with videos for everything from picking the right seasonal produce to  how-to instructional technique videos of how to create delicious foods. Kraft also has an iPhone application to help you find new recipes, where to buy certain products, as well as video demonstrations, Dinner Tonight and the recipe of the day. Overall, I would say that Kraft is doing a good job with using social media to get news about their products and organization out to the public on a daily basis.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


My name is Joanna and I am a senior at Quinnipiac University blogging about Kraft Foods as an assignment for my Corporate Public Relations class. Kraft Foods is a Fortune 100 company and a global snacks powerhouse headquartered in Northfield, Illinois. They own many popular brands people have loved and known for years. It all began in 1903 when James L. Kraft began a wholesale cheese business in Chicago.  By 1914, the company opened its first plant and began manufacturing its own cheese. 
Today, Kraft has 140,000 employees worldwide.  The company proudly markets delicious biscuits, confectionery, beverages, cheese, grocery products and convenient meals in approximately 170 countries. In 2010, Kraft had a revenue of $49.2 billion, more than half of which was earned outside North America. Eleven of the company's iconic brands -- including Cadbury, Jacobs, Kraft, LU, Maxwell House, Milka, Nabisco, Oreo, Oscar Mayer, Philadelphia and Trident -- generate revenue of more than $1 billion annually, and 40 other popular Kraft brands have been loved for more than a century. Kraft foods is NYSE listed (KFT) and part of the DowJones Industrial average.