Kraft has global markets in North America, Latin America, Europe and Asia. As a global business, a key importance that they emphasize is exposing employees to the diverse perspectives of the consumers and employees from all the countries that they work with. Different perspectives help them see first-hand how they can better meet consumer needs.
They require diversity and inclusion training for every employee at key career stages to sustain a culture that welcomes and values individual differences. They have 10 diversity-focused employee councils that align their objectives with the company’s business strategies to enhance their impact. Kraft also develops strategic relationships with external organizations to connect with a broad range of consumers and attract diverse talent to bring a wider spectrum of perspectives to the business. They link the diversity goals of each business unit and function to executive compensation to strengthen accountability.
Kraft Foods also works to promote global social responsibility. In partnership with hundreds of nonprofit partners, employee volunteers in 56 countries dedicated time to serve their communities and raise awareness for important social issues. Events included planting community gardens, building playgrounds, serving nutritious meals to the hungry, helping children in need and assisting at food banks.
I was unable to find specific information about how Kraft does business in the other countries that they operate. I thought that they should perhaps have different websites for each country in their native language. It was difficult to find information about what products are and are not sold in other countries and if in Latin America, for example, they cater to cultural needs as far as making products that people in that country might enjoy. Do they sell Kraft Mac and Cheese in other countries besides the U.S? Also, it would be interesting to know if they change the way they make their products and the ingrediants they put in them based on the country and that food products will be sold in. Also, how does their advertising change to reach different audiences in different countries?
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